Walkin' on the Sun
Smash Mouth
Smash Mouth
Walkin' on the Sun
PixCase #7051
Rarity: 10862 (ranked 9590/10000)
- Artist: Smash Mouth
- Title: Walkin' on the Sun
- Background: Green (rarity: 1980)
- Case: Case A (rarity: 1335)
- Condition: Dirty (rarity: 715)
- Insert: Do Tape C90 (rarity: 4768)
- Label: Label B (rarity: 1298)
- Sticker A: No Sticker (rarity: 477)
- Sticker B: No Sticker (rarity: 152)
- Sticker C: No Sticker (rarity: 138)
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